St. Ludmila

St. Ludmila

She lived in the 9th century, in difficult times marked by the clash between the new religion of Christianity and the original religious customs.
With her husband, the Czech ruler Bořivoj, she was one of the first to be baptised in the year 873 by St. Methodius, who today, with his brother St. Cyril, is one of the patron saints of Europe. She brought up her grandson St. Wenceslas in the Christian faith, and it was because of that faith that she was martyred in the year 927. St. Wenceslas had her buried in the Romanesque basilica of St. George, where her body still reposes today.
She was a wise and just ruler.

Her legacy:
The service of God and the poor was her joy. A loving upbringing gives children a foundation on which to base their whole life. She brought up her grandson, the future ruler, to be prudent and to love God.
